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How Ferrari Beautifully Scams Its Customers

Financian  •  1.08M subscribers

Sep 18, 2024

@miguelakira Sep 20, 2024
Whats the name of this guy?
@gyromurphy Sep 20, 2024
Ill just stick with a Pontiac Fiero GT
@lumethibodeau883 Sep 20, 2024
oh no the millionares and billionares are paying less than a thousand extra dollars or pounds, god what a scam, i only spent 100,000+ im broke over this 500 pounds
@jdrhc63we67 Sep 20, 2024
Accept people would pay to tour the factory anyway
@peteJOE Sep 20, 2024
Contactless feels free to me 😂
@datman213 Sep 20, 2024
"sun seekers"
@Ttttttttt-o1q Sep 20, 2024
That ferrari tour sounds great. Knowing Italians your probably get a great lunch and nice cafe as well.
@AmirFAdil-qq4xp Sep 20, 2024
First world problems
@markosluga5797 Sep 20, 2024
And if you are on podium and have a British accent, your "facts" sound 35% more believable.
@itzowenzxzx3945 Sep 20, 2024
JCB is really good for inviting high paying customers to see their machines getting built !
@smoothcriminal011 Sep 20, 2024
and you cant even modify it you just paid almost half a mil and you cant modify anything on your own vehicle what a joke
@henryruiz5891 Sep 20, 2024
We can't take it to heaven keep ur shit